Do I need a library card to use remote printing?

Yes, you will need to sign in with your library card and use it as identification. If you don't have a card and need to get one, visit

Where do I go to upload my files for remote printing?

Visit to upload your files.

I’m having trouble uploading my files from my device. What’s wrong?

Files must be stored on the local device you are using. For example, if you are trying to send files to print from an Android device, you must first download from Google Drive to your device before selecting them to upload to QPL’s OneDrive.

Why do I need to enter my library card number in the first name field when uploading my files?

Enter your library card number in the first name field and your last name in the last name field. Staff will be able to use your library card number to contact you when your print job is ready.

How many pages can I print?

You can print up to 20 pages per day.

Can I print in color?

 No. Your documents will print in black and white.

What size paper is available?

Documents will print on standard 8.5 x 11 paper.

What file formats can I use?

Please upload in Word, PDF, or other commonly used formats.

What should I do if I need multiple copies of one file?

Please contact the location you are printing to directly.

When will my printing be ready?

Allow two days for your printing to be ready for pick up. QPL staff will contact you when your printing is available.

How long do I have to pick up my printing?

Please pick up your printing within seven days of it being ready or it will be shredded.

What do I need to pick up my printing?

Please bring an ID. Your library card is an acceptable form of ID.