Culture Bridge: CBA Bao'an & Culture and Arts Center “New Year Concert” 2025
文化桥梁: CBA寳安文化藝術中心 2025年“新春音乐会”
English: As the New Year begins and spring arrives, we come together to celebrate the rich traditions of the Chinese Lunar New Year. The New York Bao’an Culture and Arts Center proudly presents the "New Year Concert", a captivating musical performance that highlights the beauty and depth of Chinese culture. The concert will feature a diverse selection of classic Chinese compositions, performed in ensemble, duet, and solo formats, including: Spring Festival Overture Dance of the Golden Snake A Happy Year Peking Opera Tunes The Bond of the Qin (Chinese zither) Chinese Folk Songs Cantonese Music This lively and auspicious music promises to offer a feast of sight and sound, evoking the joy and warmth of the Spring Festival. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 893 8020 4220 Passcode: 020925Chinese: 岁月匆匆又一年、春风吹绿纽约岸、在这辞旧迎春的时刻、“纽约寳安文化藝術中心”将于2025年2月9日(周日)下午2点在纽约法拉盛图书馆奉上一台具有浓郁的中国特色新春乐章《新春音乐会》由著名中国民族器乐演奏家曹寳安先生携手多位优秀民族器乐演奏家奏响中国农历新年的旋律、这是一场融合传统与现代音乐元素的文化盛会、以音乐的力量为观众带来欢乐和祝福、为满足覌众不同的口味特别推出多首有中国特色的经典曲目:以合奏、重奏、独奏的形式、包括:迎春曲、金蛇狂舞、幸福年、京剧曲牌、琴缘、中国民歌、广东音乐等、其欢乐吉祥、喜气洋洋的动人音乐给观众带来一场“场视听盛宴”能感受到春节的喜庆和温馨、并祝愿华人朋友们在新的一年里财源廣进!步步高升!阖家欢乐!幸福安康! 登陆这里参加: 会议代码 ID: 893 8020 4220 密码: 020925 (星期日) 2025年2月9日下午2点 |法拉盛图书馆 楼下会议室(A & B)