Celebrate the Year of the Snake with Chinese Music, Dance, Arts and Korean Music
English: Let's celebrate the Lunar New Year together. 10:30am: Learn traditional Chinese papercutting with Master Lu and create snake-themed mixed media collages with Sharlene, IRC Conference Room 1pm: Chinese Folk Music, Dance, and Traditional Opera with New York Hua Xia Arts Association, Rooms A&B 2:30pm: Celebrate Korean Music and Dance with Soh Young Lee-Segredo and Friends, Room A&BChinese: 歡迎與我們共同慶祝蛇年春節。 上午10:30:向陸明良老師學做中國剪紙,以及向周曉憲老師學做以蛇為主題的混合媒體拼貼畫,三樓教室 下午1:00:紐約華夏歌舞團帶來一場中國特色的綜藝聯歡會,包括傳統歌舞,民樂和地方戲曲等等,樓下A&B 大教室