Art Classes for Chinese Dementia Caregivers (Online)
華裔失智症家庭手工藝術課程 (在線)
English: These Classes will offer: 1. Instruction on how to make craft products 2. Socializing and entertainment 3. Increased joy during daily life Participants: Dementia Families Registration Information: Ms. Huang at 646-744-2976, rhuang@cknyc.orgChinese: 課程目的和內容: 1. 學習簡單的手工藝術製品; 2. 聯誼交流怡樂; 3. 增加日常生活的樂趣。 免費課程,額滿為止! Free Class! Participation is limited. 課程對象:失智症家庭 報名資訊: 黃小姐646-744-2976, 主辦機構:阿茲海默症關愛服務和皇后區圖書館