Posted in General | February 7, 2013
Grand Central Terminal will be celebrating its centennial all year long, and though the train station is located in Manhattan, there's a reason Queens buffs can share in the pride and excitement of this historic occasion: The iconic statues were made in our own Long Island City…
Posted in Music | February 7, 2013
As of last month, New York City has a country music station again. That’s great, but the country genre has a vast and rewarding back catalog that may be more appealing than some of the generic, classic rock-infused hits you’ll hear on the radio. Queens Library's catalog can…
Posted in Kids | February 6, 2013
In honor of Groundhog Day, on February 2, young library visitors learned about groundhogs and their knack for predicting weather. Since neither New York City's Staten Island Chuck nor Pennsylvania's  Punxsutawney Phil saw its shadow, both predicted the arrival of an early spring…
Posted in General | February 4, 2013
Queens Library houses more than a collection of works about African-American history. Our library has been shaped by, has gone to great lengths to document and continually celebrates the African-American experience.Did you know that one Queens Library, the one with the highest…
Posted in General | February 4, 2013
Among the items in the Archives at Queens Library’s collection of original sources, documenting the history of the four counties of Long Island, are personal correspondence, financial records, memorabilia, sketches and blueprints of noted African-American inventor and author…