Buddhist Philosophy through Buddhist Art, Part 2 (Program in Chinese)
欣赏艺术 了解佛理 (共4讲) Part 2
English: Buddhist art is an important part of Buddhist belief. It holds a special place in the spiritual and cultural landscape of Buddhism. For over two thousand years, Buddhist art has served as a medium to express spiritual beliefs and to share religious experiences. Whether in the form of symbols, paintings, or sculptures, Buddhist art has the ability to evoke a sense of awe and reverence, often inspiring and unifying believers and communities. In this four-part series, we will study some Buddhist symbols and well-known artworks and will explore and appreciate their contributions in interpreting philosophical and abstract ideas through visual objects. Join us on Zoom: https://queenslib.org/Bp49i Meeting ID: 842 4512 9010 Passcode: 262971Chinese: 佛教艺术是佛教的重要组成部分,在佛教发展史上作出了不可或缺的贡献。无论是佛塔还是观音像,无论是木鱼还是荷花,无论是万字符还是盘长结,它们不仅仅是艺术作品,也是阐释人生哲理、弘扬佛学思想的特殊语言。我们这一系列,挑选了一些佛教的符号、壁画、塑像,和大家一起了解和探讨佛教艺术,看看佛教艺术如何通过“宗教概念形象化”、“抽象教义故事化“来帮助我们领悟人生真谛。