Posted in Books | August 23, 2011
I was perusing the paperback romance display (yes, I like romances and I don’t make excuses for it) when I bent a little lower to check the authors towards the end of the alphabet.Like magic I was drawn to a pinkish purple cover and what I picked up was The Wish List by Gabi…
Posted in Music | July 15, 2011
Are you shufflin'? Topping the Billboard this summer at #1 Top 100 is LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem. If you haven't heard of it yet, you are probably confined somewhere secluded and have not been out in the social world. LMFAO is a uncle/nephew electro-hop duo from California. Most…
Posted in General | July 13, 2011
Have you ever heard of the phrase “Oldies but Goodies”? Assassin’s Creed II comes to my mind, especially coming back from Italy just a few weeks ago. I was able to recognize the layout of Florence and Venice without ever once visiting it. Why? I have actually been there before…
Posted in Music | March 9, 2011
I’ve never been one to sing in the shower. I don’t understand the appeal. I need musical accompaniment and it’s too hard to hear the music over the water. Not to mention the amount of water you’re wasting, while showering for half an hour so you can pretend you’re Lady Gaga (or…
Posted in Movies | March 7, 2011
Ever since television series have become available on DVD, a void in my life has been filled. Not only can I get caught up on television shows previously unavailable to my cable-free existence, I can watch an entire season in one sitting. It seems to be a trend, especially for…