Jaden toussaint, the greatest [electronic resource] : Episode 3: muffin wars

Jaden toussaint, the greatest [electronic resource] : Episode 3: muffin wars

By Dumas, Marti.
OverDrive, Inc.

Genre Electronic books.

Audience Youth 0-15 years

Published 2017. by Plum Street Press, Oklahoma City

ISBN 9781386355090

Bib Id 1401132

Description 1 online resource

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9781386355090 (electronic bk)
Jaden toussaint, the greatest [electronic resource] : Episode 3: muffin wars
1 online resource
Title from eBook information screen.
Question: What's a five-year-old genius' worst nightmare? Answer: Another five-year-old genius. Jaden Toussaint is a five-year-old who knows it all. I mean, really knows it all. Animal Scientist. Great Debater. Master of the art of ninja dancing. There's nothing Jaden Toussaint can't do. This time our hero must face his greatest fear: another 5-year-old who is as amazing as he his. Has Jaden Toussaint finally met his match? Will life as we know it end as a result? Will anyone ever eat his Super Sneaky 7 Fruit Fruit Salad Muffins? Find out in Episode 3: Muffin Wars. Jaden Toussaint, the Greatest is a series of chapter books that kids and parents love. Kids love the awesome brainpower and ninja dance moves of a superhero as real as they are. Parents appreciate the author's humor, but they love watching their kids— even reluctant readers— keep turning pages. Jaden Toussaint is the new definition of cool.
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