Posted in Books | March 7, 2012
Recently on NPR, I heard a scientist who is involved in the building of the 10,000 Year Clock remark that his own son seemed to be incapable of imagining a future where the human race was still around any longer than about a hundred years from now. That’s interesting, and…
Posted in Books | March 7, 2012
The Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher, is an urban horror/fantasy series featuring private eye Harry Dresden, who also happens to be the only wizard listed in the Chicago Yellow Pages. He’s a very grounded wizard, mind you — he keeps his spell tools in one pocket and a revolver in…
Posted in Teens | March 7, 2012
As a librarian, working with teens has taught me a lot, and some of it is quite surprising. You may have seen the cover article in The National Geographic magazine for October 2011, outlining research that shows that the human brain is still growing and developing into the early…
Posted in Movies | March 7, 2012
There are many things to celebrate this year — among other things, 2012 will bring us the 500th episode of The Simpsons and the 25th anniversary of the Simpson characters’ introduction on the Tracey Ullman Show. Unless you don’t own a television, chances are good that you can…
Posted in General | March 3, 2012
The 3DS is a fun hand-held and a decent enough upgrade to the DS and DSi, but one of the admitted drawbacks to converting to the system has been a lack of notable launch titles. It’s taken a while, but Nintendo has finally come through with a reason to for people to try out the…