Posted in Books | November 1, 2018
Genevieve Cogman is a British fantasy writer whose fifth book in the Invisible Library series comes to Queens Library when it’s published this November. Cogman told Queens Library Magazine about how the rules of the library in her books were established, her writing process,…
Posted in Books | November 1, 2018
Christina Matula came to the library this fall to share her first picture book about the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, The Shadow in the Moon.Matula grew up celebrating the festival and eating mooncakes, but not knowing about the legend of Hou Yi and Chang’e.“Mooncakes were just…
Posted in Books | November 1, 2018
Alice Robb has always been curious about her own dreams—which she says “have been very vivid for as long as I can remember." Her new book, Why We Dream: The Transformative Power of Our Nightly Journey, is a fresh approach to explain how dreams work, what dreams are for, and how…
Posted in Books | November 1, 2018
Eric Klinenberg, author of the new book Palaces for The People, advocates for libraries as part of social infrastructure that promotes interactions between people from all walks of life. But he says he was a latecomer to public libraries, since he grew up in Chicago in the…
Posted in General | November 1, 2018
We asked Richard Panchyk, author of Hidden History of Queens, to tell us about one of Queens’ historic holiday places—and its connection to one of the most famous poems ever written! Queens is home to a spot that is likely to have inspired nothing less than the modern version…