Posted in Movies | March 7, 2011
Just saw this movie, Lone Star (1996). It is not a current film, and I like to watch westerns. Don't know how I missed this one. The plot was mostly about finding the killer of the racist sheriff, Charlie Wade (Kris Kristofferson), who terrorized most of the minorities in Rio…
Posted in Movies | March 7, 2011
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, directed by Edgar Wright, is a CRASH, SMAK, POW of a mashup of video game platforms and graphic twists, and yet stays the course towards finding genuine, battle-hardened love. This movie is visually outrageous; it’s like Yo Gabba Gabba for 20-year-…
Posted in Movies | March 7, 2011
What would you do to defend your right to read? Library War is a fun manga series from 2007 that responds to that question with action, comedy, romance, and an amazing cast of characters that are sure to become close to any reader's heart. Based on the novel series Toshokan…
Posted in Movies | March 7, 2011
The price of the movie theater experience keeps going up so it only makes sense to spend more time watching movies at home where you can make up your own rules and not bother the stranger in front of you. With a group of like-minded friends and some free DVDs from Queens Library…
Posted in Books | February 9, 2011
Pink covers on a hardcover novel usually suggest a chick-lit book. The Richest Season by Maryann McFadden is much more than your typical boy meets girl story. The characters are older with the main character Joanna an empty- nester in New Jersey who misses her children.She is a…