Posted in Education | August 30, 2023
QPL's Teen Committee has come up with these great steps to help you make the most of your upcoming school year. Don't miss the Grand Reopening of QPL's newly renovated Teen Centers, and the debut of our new Teen Center at Long Island City Library, starting Tuesday, September 12…
Posted in Kids | September 10, 2021
When we think of communication, we might think just of words. It turns out that communication is far more complex than just language, and also involves connection and listening. Understanding all three of these elements can help you communicate in more effective ways, and better…
Posted in Kids | September 8, 2021
Your children’s sleep schedules often get off track during the summer with vacations, camp, and sunlight lasting late into the evening. All of this can lead to trouble sleeping when it’s time to return to a structured schedule at the start of the school year. The benefits of a…