Posted in General | July 9, 2020
As we reopen, we want to be sure our customers have the most up-to-date information about COVID-19. These resources provide accurate information about the pandemic and research on COVID-19. We’ve also compiled a list of print and electronic books in English, Chinese, and…
Posted in General | March 24, 2020
We hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy during these difficult days. It’s normal to be fearful amid the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19.  Every day we hear about more and more people testing positive for coronavirus and we are more restricted in where we can go and…
Posted in Press Release | January 27, 2020
Pictured above: Far Rockaway Library Manager Sharon Anderson; Shanon Morris, Senior Director of Community Impact for the American Heart Association in New York City; and QPL President and CEO Dennis M. Walcott at the loaner program kickoff.   Queens Public Library…
Posted in General | January 17, 2020
The New Year is a great opportunity to create new habits and start eating right. Maria Biondi, RDN, CDN, Wellbeing Coach for NewYork-Presbyterian Queens, suggests the following tips for a nutritious diet and a healthy year ahead. “As folks look towards the New Year, many of…
Posted in General | January 15, 2020
Now that the holidays (and holiday eating) are over, a new year brings New Year’s resolutions. For many of us, that means regular exercise—whether it’s to lose weight, build stamina, or just improve our health overall. Many people can’t afford gyms and health clubs, or may not…