Posted in General | September 11, 2021
Dear Friends, As many of you are aware, today marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. In the span of a few hours, the horrific plane crashes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Shanksville, PA changed our lives forever, none more…
Posted in General | September 9, 2021
This weekend marks the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. We have compiled resources on how to talk to your children about terrorism and this anniversary, as well as recommended reading for all ages about 9/11. How to Talk About 9/11 With Your Kids: Parents…
Posted in General | September 2, 2021
When the CDC announced new guidelines that fully vaccinated people could stop wearing masks outdoors, many people felt hope that we may soon return to normalcy. But the news also brought a measure of anxiety: Is it safe to go back to the office and pack into subways? Will we…
Posted in General | August 16, 2021
On August 12, Literary Thursdays welcomed artist and author Christina Conklin to share her new book, The Atlas of Disappearing Places: Our Coasts and Oceans in the Climate Crisis. Conklin, a textile artist, is interested in the intersection of natural systems with belief systems…
Posted in General | July 8, 2021
Pride Month may be over, but our resources list is here to stay! Here’s a sampling of the resources we’ve compiled in the areas of advocacy and services, archives and museums, arts, culture & media, healthcare and research, and legal. We’ve even included information on Pride…