Posted in General | July 9, 2012
On March 2nd, the kids at Steinway library helped start its first indoor garden!For our flower pot, we used plastic cups (cups that would have been thrown out anyway) and seeds that I bought 5 for $1.00 in a nearby store. The kids were divided into five groups with five…
Posted in General | July 9, 2012
Erik’s Reptile Edventure came to Steinway library this week and put on an amazing interactive performance for the kids. Erik, the Reptile Ranger, came in with different creatures including: two different kinds of snakes, toads, a snapping turtle, a lizard and even an endangered…
Posted in General | June 18, 2012
On Friday June 15th, Stephanie Huffaker visited the Woodside Library to show us all how to make her wonderful and eco friendly bracelets. This fun craft included regular bangles, tape, a needle, clear thread, Plastic bags of various colors and LOTS OF PATIENCE! Not only were the…
Posted in General | June 18, 2012
Here at Steinway Library, we are big on environmental awareness and in order to show everyone how much we care about the Earth, we made an Earth Day quilt. Every child received a blank piece of paper and was instructed to write what they will do to save the planet and draw a…
Posted in General | March 7, 2012
“Shut it down? By the end of tonight, I will be a hero, just like you … Batman.” These are the words spoken by Hugo Strange during the title screen of Batman: Arkham City, but it isn’t Batman he’s speaking to — it’s Bruce Wayne, who is handcuffed to a chair and about to be…