Posted in General | October 20, 2012
This week the children at Broadway made a Castle diorama using primarily recycled materials, such as a cardboard box and toilet paper tubes. We also used markers, crayons, glue, and a good dose of creativity! Some of the kids even made a fire breathing dragon out by recycling an…
Posted in General | September 27, 2012
With summer coming to a close and autumn right around the corner, the kids at Steinway library wanted to hold onto summer before it officially ended and by doing so we made “summer globes” instead of “snow globes.” The idea here is the same as a winter snow globe, though instead…
Posted in General | August 16, 2012
This week at Steinway’s Garden Club, we planted various beautiful flowers all around the garden. We also played a game in the garden where the kids had to guess what each plant/vegetable was by either looking at the plant or by smelling it. A few of the kids were stumped on some…
Posted in General | August 16, 2012
The detective story is not usually a genre that is well carried in video games. As a medium that favors more dynamic visuals and faster paced stories, the slower feel found in crime noir and private eye stories are usually relegated to lower budget projects, or at best the…
Posted in General | August 16, 2012
This week’s craft is Paper Mache hearts. The kids had such a great time with this project because they were able to get messy and what child doesn’t like getting their hands dirty! In order to do this craft, the materials we used were newspaper, paste (flour and water), and…