Posted in General | April 24, 2017
It’s National Volunteer Week 2017, and we want to celebrate the important role of volunteers at Queens Library!All this week, to say Thank You to our volunteers, we will share their voices and let them tell you what their service to the Library means to them and their…
Posted in General | February 3, 2017
In honor of African-American History Month, we're paying tribute to a special selection of notable African-American writers. Check this blog post every week in February for updates! February 3: Langston Hughes February 7: Naomi Jackson February 10: Darryl "DMC" McDaniels…
Posted in General | November 8, 2016
Thank you to everyone who submitted poems to Queens Library’s Summer Poetry Contest! All the entries had to reflect the 2016 Summer Reading theme of “Get in the Game.” You’ve had a chance to read the poetry of our four winners, and see the pictures from our awards ceremony.…
Posted in General | November 2, 2016
November is Native American Heritage Month! We’re excited to honor a selection of notable First Nation figures who have made significant cultural contributions in a variety of fields. We’ll be showcasing two per week—if only we had time for more! Check this blog post every week…
Posted in General | November 1, 2016
Thank you to everyone who submitted a poem to Queens Library’s Summer Poetry Contest! We welcomed hundreds of poets from all over New York State to submit an original poem reflecting the 2016 Summer Reading theme of “Get in the Game.” Thanks as well to our panel of judges—…