Virtual Tours of Art Museums (Program in Chinese)
English: There are many great art museums around the world. It would be an extraordinary experience to visit each museum in person and appreciate masterpieces up close. But for most of us, this is simply impossible given the physical locations of all the museums. With this in mind, we have designed this series of art talks, introducing four art museums in the U.S. and exploring some of the best artworks in their collections. We hope this will serve as a quick look at these museums for those who have not been able to visit in person. Our presenter John Wang holds master's degrees in World Religions from Harvard University and in English Literature from Shanghai International Studies University. He is a contributor to World Journal Weekly and Xinmin Evening Newspaper. Join us on Zoom: https://queenslib.org/49XJ Meeting ID: 886 7123 0210 Passcode: 949227Chinese: 美國大大小小的博物館超過三萬五千家,包括上萬家藝術博物館。我們這一系列帶大家一起雲遊四所著名的博物館,有紐約大都會博物館、洛杉磯蓋蒂中心等,在介紹這幾家博物館的同時,也會和大家一起分享他們的一些館藏。 講師王志強是哈佛大學比較宗教學碩士,上海外國語大學英美文學碩士,曾多次在世界日報周刊和新民晚報發表作品。 Zoom鏈接: https://queenslib.org/49XJ 會議號碼:886 7123 0210 密碼:949227