Adult Program, General

Ridgewood Garden Reading Series: John Madera

Join us in the garden on Thursdays in September for the Ridgewood Reading series. Each evening includes a featured reader as well as time for audience members to share their own work. Come to share or come to listen! September 12th's featured reader is John Madera, the author of "Nervosities." His fiction is published in Conjunctions, Salt Hill, Hobart, The &Now Awards 2: The Best Innovative Writing, and many other journals. His poetry is published in Elimae, Sixth Finch, Contrapuntos, and elsewhere. His criticism is published in American Book Review, Bookforum, The Review of Contemporary Fiction, Rain Taxi: Review of Books, The Believer, The Brooklyn Rail, and many other venues. Recipient of an M.F.A. in Literary Arts from Brown University, two-time New York State Council on the Arts awardee John Madera lives in New York City, where he runs Rhizomatic and manages and edits "Big Other." This program is sponsored by the Friends of Ridgewood Library.
Sep 12, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
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How To Attend?
20-12 Madison Street, Ridgewood, NY 11385
(718) 821-4770
Adults, Seniors