Adult Program, General

Trialogue on the Cloud Series 6, Session 27-30 American Renaissance

美国文艺复兴 – 美国思想和文学的发端

English: The works of 4 important writers who lived in the Boston area in the mid-nineteenth century. Their works opened American literature and inspired the minds of the people of this new country. The central figure of this group, Ralph Waldo Emerson, whose words awakened the spirit of independence and creativity in the United States; Henry David Thoreau, the first naturalist in the United States as well as the world; Nathaniel Hawthorne, who contemplated the profound influence of religion on the human mind and the spiritual way out of the human condition; and Herman Melville, whose novels about whales incorporated the American sense of nationhood into a classic work of world literature. We encourage all the participants to join our discussion and dialogue. Presenter by John Wang, Fred Huang and Paul Qiu. Friday evening @ 8 pm. Sept. 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 8 & Dec. 13 Join here: Meeting ID: 833 7973 9589 Passcode: 8911
Chinese: 皇后圖書館總館舉辦 雲中三人行遠程節目 (第六系列 第27-30講) 美国文艺复兴 – 美国思想和文学的发端 星期五晚上8點(美東時間),2024年9月13日,10月11日,11月8日, 12月13日 主講人: 王志強, 黃永鋼, 邱辛曄 从九月到十二月,我们将介绍四位重要作家,他们生活在十九世纪中期的波士顿地区。这些作家的作品开启了美国的文学,启发了这个新国家人民的心智。这个群体的中心人物拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生的文字唤醒了美国的独立和创造精神;亨利·戴维·梭罗,是美国也是世界第一位自然文学家 是美国也是世界第一位自然文学家;纳撒尼尔·霍桑思考了宗教对人心灵的深刻影响和人的精神出路;赫尔曼·梅尔维尔关于鲸鱼的小说融入了美国民族意识,成为世界经典文学作品。 Meeting ID: 833 7973 9589 Passcode: 8911
Nov 8, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
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Adult Program, General
Dec 13, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Trialogue on the Cloud Series ...