Queens Public Library no longer charges daily late fines on overdue materials!
We will charge you for the replacement cost of items that are considered lost or damaged, but as soon as you return the items, the replacement charges will be cleared.
If you cannot return the items, please pay the replacement fee, or contact our staff about other options online here, by phone at 718-990-0771, or at your local library.
Why did QPL eliminate late fines?
We want to make sure everyone can use the Library’s resources, no matter their circumstances. For many individuals and families, late fines discourage use of the Library and are a barrier to access.
How do I know when my items are due?
When you check out any physical materials, you can choose an email or paper receipt with the due dates. The Library also sends out email or phone reminders when items are coming due or overdue, and you can always check the due dates of your items by logging into My Account.
How can I renew items?
Eligible items can be renewed online here, in person, or by calling 718-990-8508. Note that if another customer is waiting for the item, it cannot be renewed. Try to renew a few days prior to the due date to check if an item is eligible for renewal.
May I keep library materials indefinitely? What if I lose them?
We do want library materials back! Please return materials by their due dates so others can enjoy these shared resources. We do not charge late fines, but items not returned within 28 days (four weeks) of their due dates will be considered lost, and you will be billed for the replacement cost.
If you return the lost items, the replacement charges will be cleared from your account. Please return any items you have, no matter how long overdue they are. If you have a balance of over $50 or more on your account, or have 20 or more items overdue, you will not be able to place holds or check out physical materials until you have returned your lost items or paid the replacement fees. For more about our replacement policies, visit our Guide to Fees page.
If you are unable to pay the replacement charges for an item, please contact us at 718-990-0771, visit your local library, or visit here to discuss your options.
How can I make a payment on my account?
You can make a payment online through My Account or visit your local library.
What happens if the charges aren’t paid?
Once your balance reaches $50 or more on your account, or you have more than 20 items overdue, you will not be able to place holds or check out physical materials until you have returned your lost items or paid the replacement fees. Accounts for customers ages 18 and older with an unpaid balance of $50 or more will also be submitted to QPL’s vendor, Unique Management Services, who will contact you on our behalf about making payment arrangements or returning overdue items. Your balance will not be reported to credit bureaus or affect your credit score.
Does the Library still charge a fee for requested books or other items that are not picked up?
No. The Library has eliminated the fee for requested items not picked up.
What types of fees are being charged at the Library?
Replacement fees apply to lost or damaged materials. In addition, fees will be charged for:
Library card replacement ($2)
Returned checks ($25)
Cost of lost items, such as technology accessories
Out-of-state card registration ($50)
But I like paying overdue fines because I feel as if I’m supporting the Library. How else can I support QPL?
If you would like to support the Library, we welcome donations to the Queens Public Library Foundation, which raises money to support Library programs, services, and collections. Visit here.
Where can I return my library books and materials?
Books and materials can be returned to any QPL branch. Find your nearest library location here.
Is the “Read Down Your Fees” program still available?
Yes. Learn more about this program for customers 21 years and younger here.
Have the Brooklyn Public and New York Public library systems eliminated late fines?
Yes. All New York City library systems have eliminated late fines.